Chapter 701: What is an Epic

What is an Epic?

Every Epic power wielder is akin to a freely striking humanoid nuclear bomb, possessing the might to destroy heavens and obliterate earth.

An Epic Trainer with a lifespan of eight hundred years need only issue a command, and their Pets can alter terrain, change climates, turn deserts into oceans, and snow peaks into volcanoes.

To ordinary people, such might is no different from that of immortals.

Even though the Flowery Kingdom is one of the six poles of the world and boasts a strong national power, Epic power wielders are still one of the most formidable beings.

If such beings are willing to enter the Beast Legion, they can immediately obtain the rank of a junior general and may be promoted to major general at any time after accruing some merit, commanding tens or even hundreds of thousands of Elite Trainers.