Having completed her advancement, David Jones's objective for this time-space journey was nearly fulfilled, with only the goal of scavenging for Pet Resources remaining.

"How do you plan to deal with this Darkpath Dragon?" Lily asked.

Upon hearing this, a visibly tense expression appeared on the face of the Darkpath Dragon.

"For now, let's keep it and see how it performs."

After saying this, David Jones turned to the Darkpath Dragon and asked,

"Do you know how to farm, mine, plant trees, and exterminate pests?"

The Darkpath Dragon, after all, was an Eighth Order Upper Rank Emperor Dragon, and David Jones decided to give it a chance.

If it really couldn't adapt, he could still let it roam free in the mesona world, contributing to Lolo's growing strength.

"Yes, yes, yes!" the Darkpath Dragon hastily nodded.

Surviving poorly was better than not surviving at all. Farming might be humble work, but it was better than being skinned and de-boned.

"Very well."