Chapter 5: Strange Tales of Rules

Inside the prairie animal exhibit, the group stood on the glass walkway. The animal habitat was just below them. The smell of rotting food, feces, and the animal's stench all mixed together, floating upwards. Even the high-powered exhaust fan couldn't fully dissipate the odor.

"What on earth did you do!" After a moment of shock, Xiao Zhize trembled with what might have been fear, but manifested as anger.

"Ah, Old Du", the leading woman, Ali, turned her head. She noticed Old Du and the new machete in his hands. With a thought, her eyes flitted between the three of them, positioning themselves like arrowheads aimed at Old Du.

Ali laughed and said, "We just formed a new character charm. Its effect isn't bad, it can keep someone tied up for a full three hours."

Ali behaves as usual, but Yu Liang still senses her blustering. The effect of character charm is crucial information, yet Ali reveals it without hesitation. It's clear she's trying to deter Old Du through intimidation, and avoid a real conflict.

"That's impressive. I'll just have a quick look. Carry on with your business," Old Du laughed before patting Xiao Zhize on the shoulder with the flat of his machete, "Let's go."

Both parties completely ignored Xiao Zhize's anger, not even paying him any attention, as they were each more worried about a surprise attack from the other side.

Xiao Zhize clenched his fists. He wasn't devoid of reason. The sight of Old Du's machete and the menacing arrows from Ali's crossbow instinctively made him tremble in fear. He began to vaguely understand the unspoken rules of Changhong Zoo.

Survival of the fittest, an unapologetic survival of the fittest.

Besides him, it seemed no one was willing to speak out for Huang Yijia who recently perished, swallowed by a snake.

Old Du, however, changed the subject, squinting at the three women. "However, if you attack the people next to me, it's the same as attacking me."

"Of course, we understand. As visitors, we have a common enemy; we need to get along," Ali responded to Old Du's warning before leading her two companions away from the bridge.

"Hm." A sound emitted from deep within Old Du's throat as he watched the three women disappear. He then spoke solemnly, "This place is different from the outside, you'd better adjust your mindsets sooner. I don't expect you to do much for me now, but at least don't cause me trouble."

After speaking, he looked at the two followers, seemingly expecting a response.

"I understand," Xiao Zhize felt the pressure in Old Du's words. He wasn't a daredevil, it was just taking him time to adapt.

"We get it, we'll listen to you," said Yu Liang. He also asked, "What can we do to help you?"

"Yes," Old Du nodded, leaving no doubt about his intentions to use them, "I'm a simple person. I've been in here longer than you guys, but I recognize fewer characters. Especially you, the writer."

He squinted at Yu Liang, "You know the rules of merging. As a player, the more Chinese characters you recognize, the better. Merged characters can be nouns or verbs. Nouns can become items, but they can usually be substituted. In contrast, verb characters are rare and more powerful; they can even kill others indirectly."

"But..." Old Du paused, "Verb characters require understanding in order to merge, and all characters are 'locked'. The password is the character's merge path - you need to guess what each character's 'ingredients' are. If you get someone else's character but can't guess its merge path, it's useless."

Yu Liang seemed to understand something, but he didn't ask further.

For the time being, Old Du didn't derive pleasure from killing, and he also needed the two newcomers. This was a good sign that they could at least survive the novice stage.

The zoo rules were very strange. Until they understood the situation better, it was safer to stick with Old Du. The recent standoff revealed that each veteran player had a handy weapon and was adept at fighting for survival, and Yu Liang, as a monkey unable to survive alone, was better off following the group.

"There are park rules posted outside the exhibition board. There are hidden text rules here, as well as explicit zoo rules," Old Du walked in front, "You'd better follow them."

"Park rules? Why could they still kill people so brazenly?" Xiao Zhize, following Old Du, asked. While he still disagreed with some of Old Du's actions, that didn't matter now.

"Park rules are not laws. They're just some visitor guidelines that you'll understand soon," Old Du chuckled, full of insincerity. "Those who treat human lives as experimental fodder like those women are a minority. Of course, don't expect others to be kind-hearted. Most people just don't bother to do things that don't offer sufficient benefits."

"Hm," Xiao Zhize responded, full of conviction in his eyes.

In just half an hour, his mindset had greatly shifted. And then he couldn't help but look over at Yu Liang.

This guy was another newcomer like him, but it seemed like he had already accepted this kind of thing earlier on, hadn't he?

Come to think of it, Yu Liang hadn't revealed any of his thoughts so far, just like an invisible man.

At the moment, however, Yu Liang seemed to glean more information from what Old Du had said.

Players like them are not the root of all dangers. Compared to them, the zoo itself is far more terrifying.

Just like the alligator staff he just met, a bizarre tale was thrust upon him seemingly without reason.

"Hiss——" From a corner of the exhibit hall came the low growl of a carnivorous animal. The three of them left the grassland animal exhibit, and Old Du stood in front of a large zoo map, discerning their direction. He pointed out the written notifications beside him, "Here are the main rules of the zoo. Remember them, don't think too much about them, and don't violate them."


[Changhong Zoo Visitor Information]

1. Each ticket allows one person one-time entry into the park. We do not provide a ticket return or exchange service. Our park tickets are all-inclusive, allowing you to visit all exhibits within the park. However, a small fee is required for the following items: food, accommodation, recreational activities, animal performances, nighttime exhibits, etc.

2. Do not feed the animals with food that has never appeared in our park. It is strictly forbidden to throw stones, hard objects, plastic bags, and other items into the animal exhibition areas. If you need to feed the animals, please purchase the special red animal feed at the management office.

(Small print) Our park adheres to the principle of equal treatment for all and provides only red animal feed that can be used to feed any animal.

3. When taking photos of animals, do not use flash as to avoid startling other visitors and causing accidents.

4. Our staff is devoted to their work and will generally not initiate conversations with visitors. They will definitely not speak with visitors outdoors. If they do, please ignore them and quickly leave the area.

5. Our park does not have a nighttime exhibit.

(Small print) The park is open from 8:00 to 17:00. Visitors who stay in the park after closing hours should proceed to the visitor center to arrange for accommodations. For your safety, please do not leave the visitor center after 22:00.

6. Our park's animal management system is perfected. There is absolutely no possibility of animals escaping. If you see an animal on the road that you had recently seen in an exhibit, please proceed to the visitor center to arrange for accommodations immediately. Note, it's not advisable to visit the park today.

7. Each animal exhibition area has a corresponding sign for the relevant animal. If you find that the animals in the exhibit area differ from the sign, please call the management office to notify them about the situation. The staff will accompany you to the management office to handle the matter.

"Why is this visitor information... so strange?" Xiao Zhize stared blankly at the notice, turning his head to seek an answer from Old Du, "The first item mentions a fee-based nighttime exhibit, but later on, it states that there is no nighttime exhibit. Also..."

Xiao Zhize seemed like he wanted to say more, but Old Du cut him off, "Don't ask too many questions. Simply remember the information above and follow it. Every exhibit has a management office. The staff there can provide assistance and help visitors."

"Alright, I understand," Xiao Zhize reluctantly replied, his eyes flashing with terror.

With a slightly furrowed brow, Yu Liang was already prepared for the fear that came with the zoo, but these rules still made him feel uneasy. They were understated yet contained peculiar hints. The chill they emitted was as silent as a spring rain.

He put his hand in his pocket and touched the coarse ticket for the night exhibit, growing bewildered.

If it was just to scare the visitors, the visitor information didn't make much sense. What was their goal exactly?

Did the night exhibit truly exist?

Why did the alligator give him a ticket?

Could it be that the other alligator would be appearing at the night exhibit?