Chapter 20 Who are you waiting for?

Life as a blind man was more relaxed than Yu Liang had imagined, all because Old Du had arranged everything, and he didn't need to lift a finger. He only needed to clutch the rope tied to Old Du and walk along with him.

Although he remembered the map, he had long lost his sense of direction without his vision. He couldn't tell where he was.

Listening in on Old Du's conversations with his employees, they had supposedly arrived at the visitor center. On the way, many visitors greeted Old Du and some even inquired about his background. Old Du simply said that some strange phenomenon had taken his eyesight.

Of course, Yu Liang wouldn't deny this. He spoke less than before, like a reticent puppet.

The air reeked subtly of blood, and his ears continuously caught strange sounds—the stifled groans of human pain, the sound of marbles rolling across the floor, and the shrill sound of cicadas chirping close by.

Oddly enough, they were supposedly in the visitor's lobby.