Chapter 29: Come Find Me! _2

The two retraced their steps, and Jiang Xiangdong's mood was quite good, probably because there was no weirdness in the warehouse this time.

"Just two shifts left this week, and it's home time," Jiang Xiangdong smiled. His eyes were filled with longing, only when he thought of his family could he truly relax.

"Can't you go home every day? Do you have to stay here even when you're not on shift?" Yu Liang asked.

Jiang Xiangdong shook his head, "I worry about my job affecting my wife and Yao. I've already sent them to the neighboring city. Luckily the pay here is good, so I can afford to take care of both of them."


His daughter?

Yu Liang had some doubts in his heart, but he did not ask, because he did not want to delve into this topic.

This conversation looked too much like a classic flag, if it weren't out of his control, he would have sewn Jiang Xiangdong's mouth shut.