Chapter 33 - The Mutated Profession - Writer (4k)

"Bird Garden.

Yu Liang walked along the main avenue of the bird enclosure. He'd heard Old Du mention that the locations of the various bird enclosures in the Bird Garden are random. He was lucky this time, as the crested myna enclosure was still located along the central main avenue, so he didn't need to venture far into the Bird Garden to find it.

He didn't know if it was because the scent of the crocodile on him was acting as a repellent, but all the birds he encountered along the way kept their silence, avoiding him within their enclosures as best they could.

This wasn't ideal, he didn't know how many supernatural occurrences he had inadvertently "rejected," which significantly slowed down the rate at which he was collecting badges. Creatures scared away by the crocodile scent were unlikely to be aggressive, so relatively speaking, they would be easier to handle.