Chapter 38 Waiting for a Signal (4k5)_3

The five humans and the robot got out of the car. They each pulled out a thin-handled flashlight from their backpacks and hung their preferred weapons around their waists before quickly stepping outside the car.

At this moment, Yu Liang noticed among this group, only the Xue Siblings were weaponless. One was empty-handed, the other clutching a turtle doll. They seemed out of place compared to the other three.

Was this due to them both being mutants?

Presumably, Xue Wubin could be the owner of that robot, having a vocation similar to an engineer or a mechanic. And that Xu Cixi, her ability must revolve around animating dolls, akin to the character charm of Annie from League of Legends, an ironic pairing considering her cold demeanor appeared to mismatch such cute entities. One could only infer that this doll carried a certain significance to her.