Chapter 54: Associated Timelines

Both people in the darkness stopped simultaneously. The corridor was quiet, and their breathing was clearly audible to each other.

Yu Liang was not surprised by Xu Cixi's words; he had anticipated them.

Compared with the zoo outside of the game, this place is much more beautiful.

It's no wonder people prefer a virtual heaven over a real hell.

"So, you've decided to give up on all of them? Your brother, your parents, and your friends?" Yu Liang inquired indifferently.

"Even if I don't want to give up, I can't go back to reality anymore." Xu Cixi sighed from the darkness, "I've been in the zoo for three weeks. I know what kind of place it is, there's no way out."

"I can," Yu Liang's reply was still calm, "I've synthesized a key that can open the boundary gate and leave the zoo."

"What?" Xu Cixi was startled, but then refused to believe it, "No, it's impossible. If you had such a thing, why are you still here?"