Chapter 81 (6k) I am a Wooden Man_4

He turned around, walked into the staircase and went downstairs.

He didn't know yet how useful this piece of information would be. The middle-aged man walked too slowly. If he let him follow, it would only hinder the search for the grocery store, so Yu Liang decided not to take him along.

Shortly after, Yu Liang left the residential building which was located by the side of the road.

The world in the mirror was indistinguishable from reality. Maple trees were planted on both sides of the road, it was busy with people and bustling with traffic, yet the faces of those people were as cold and lifeless as the middle-aged man.

The buildings lining the street were neither tall nor new. This small town didn't have any skyscrapers and didn't seem to be very prosperous, but it wasn't too backward either.

Perhaps it's just that those buildings were quite old.

Yu Liang remembered the direction and the location of the girl's house, and then continued walking along the street.