Chapter 83 Mirror within a Mirror, Is It Reality?_3

Now, they could only take it one step at a time. As for how to move forward, Li Huazhao had the autonomy to do whatever he pleased, as long as Yu Liang had the final say in crucial moments.

He needed to thoroughly think things over to make sure he hadn't overlooked any details. He could already sense that something was terribly off.

The building was only eight stories high. Li Huazhao climbed the flights of stairs and quickly made his way to the rooftop.

Contrary to Yu Liang's expectations, Li Huazhao didn't seem aimless. He scanned the surroundings, quickly locating his direction and ran towards it, initiating an exciting game of rooftop parkour.

Well, Yu Liang didn't know whether Li Huazhao found it exhilarating or not, but watching from a first-person perspective was indeed thrilling. He even felt a slight urge to join in.

"What are you planning to do now?" Yu Liang asked.