Chapter 85 (5k) The Miser and Li Huazhao_2

All in all, this supernatural world is quite stingy, not providing players with easy chances to take advantage.

"However, the things in that general store should be real, right?" Li Huazhao muttered.

Yu Liang: "..."

How are you still obsessed with that general store?!

"Never mind." Li Huazhao grumbled, stuffing a gold necklace into his own pocket.

"Huh? You're taking the fake stuff too?" Yu Liang asked.

"At least in this world, it's real. As long as people accept this gold, maybe I can use it to buy something." Li Huazhao explained, grabbing a gold necklace from the cabinet, slipping it around his neck, and carefully selecting ten rings, one for each finger.

Noticing Yu Liang about to speak, Li Huazhao preemptively explained: "These are knuckle dusters, my attack weapons. One punch and a monster is done for, got it?"