Chapter 87 (Total 8k) Police_2

This was exactly like the situation when Yu Liang first entered the girl's parents' room.

No, that's not correct, except for the mirror.

He looked towards the head of the bed, the small mirror there had disappeared.

Yu Liang stood in place, pondering for a moment, he had some guesses in his heart, but he couldn't draw any conclusions yet.

It seemed that this room belonging to the girl's parents remained connected to the real world, so after a period of time, everything in this room has reverted back to how it was in the real world.

The other rooms and even the entire town had lost all connections to the real world.

As for the missing mirror...

Yu Liang knew very well, that during his time in the double mirror world, he had used this small mirror in the girl's parents' room to execute his fatal attack. So, the mirror spirit was afraid and had removed this mirror in the real world, causing the mirror in this room to disappear in the present single mirror world.

Are you scared?