Chapter 88 (4k5) Die in 777 seconds_2

Yueqing Road is on the east side. Only four stops by bus and you'll be there.

"We should follow this road east," Yu Liang pointed down a street in the direction of the east, informing the police officer next to him.

"Thank you, let's get going then." The officer smiled but his smile faded quickly as he turned his gaze towards the fog in another direction, a puzzled look appearing on his face.

"What's the matter? What did you see?" Yu Liang asked upon seeing his expression.

"There's a bus coming." The officer furrowed his brow slightly, hoisting his gun into a ready position.

The low rumble of a vehicle engine drew closer, and a dark, vague shadow appeared in the gray fog, soon revealing itself to be a full-sized bus in front of the two, stopping at the bus station.

Given the thick fog, Yu Liang felt as though he was about to board a ghost bus.

"Pssst..." The bus door opened, and the voice of the driver inviting them in followed, "Come on, I'll take you to the shelter."