Chapter 89 (6k) The Failed Prophecy

"You will die at seven minutes and seventy-seven seconds after getting off the bus."

The prophetess intoned with utter seriousness, word by word.

The ominous tone stunned Huang Mao for a moment, and a look of astonishment crossed his face. But this astonishment transformed into anger in just a second. He abruptly stood up, visibly upset. "Who the hell are you cursing, old hag?"

"This is not a curse, this is a prophecy." The prophetess was unfazed, staring at Huang Mao with a pair of gray eyes. "I can see that the 'wrath' of original sin is upon you. You will be judged, you will be punished by God."

"Go on, say that one more time!" Huang Mao's rage flared up even more. If it wasn't for the fact that she was an old woman, his fist would have already struck her.