Chapter 95 (5k) The Fourth Sin Played Badly


Under the light deep in the alley, Li Huazhao also noticed the men standing deep in the alley. They were arranged in two rows, standing on either side of the walls and facing the walls.

They were all standing there naked, just like the man he had seen earlier.

Some of these men had their fingers interlocked with the hands on the wall, some were kissing the lips on the wall, and some were whispering into the ears on the wall.


Feminine Wall

Name: Feminine Wall (Cannot be used for word synthesis)

Texture: None

Note: A supernatural creature born of the yin energy, characterized by lust.

After throwing the "check" command, Li Huazhao couldn't help but cringe. Despite his strong mental fortitude, his heart trembled at the sight of such a scene.

This was not what he wanted to see.

By now, Li Huazhao had realized that even the most beautiful things could become worse than disgusting simply by changing the context in which they appeared.