Chapter 95 (5k) The Fourth Sin Played Badly_3

"A refuge? There's a refuge?" The security team captain sounded shocked, but his shock was replaced with excitement this time.

"Yep, just hand me what I need and we're square," Li Huazhao continued, "That's not hard to do, right?"

Apparently, these people don't know about the presence of a temporary refuge. Could it be that there are no broadcasts in the vicinity?

"Not hard at all, not hard at all. What do you need? I'll get it from the supermarket... or better yet, come along with us and pick out what you need," the security captain hastened to reply.

They are still in the early days of the fog disaster and command a whole entire supermarket, including a small warehouse inside, they really had no reason to worry about food.

"Fine." Li Huazhao also naturally isn't afraid that these people would harm him, because ordinary people couldn't possibly pose a threat to him.

So he followed two or three of them into the supermarket and headed straight for the snack area.