Chapter 98 (Two-in-One 9k) New Spirit Object - Lu Jie

"Because I'm Li Huazhao, I do whatever the hell I want."

Those words burst out of Li Huazhao, before he darted towards the Meat Sea.

However, the wealth-guarding ghost on his back was inwardly lamenting.

You can do whatever you want, but I don't want to. I just want to make money, why do you have to drag me into this?

The wealth-guarding ghost was utterly baffled.

Wait, didn't our benefactor say his name was Yu Liang?

Why has it become Li Huazhao now?

A big question mark formed in its mind.

However, the wealth-guarding ghost didn't dwell on it much. On the path to making money, as long as it had company, it didn't care who it was.

Of course, if it was always their benefactor, it would be quite pleased.

Li Huazhao didn't notice all these thoughts in the wealth-guarding ghost's mind. All he could see was the Meat Sea, which hadn't noticed him as it continued to play its game outside the bachelor apartment.