Chapter 98 (Two-in-One 9k) New Spirit Object - Lu Jie_4

"What is this! Why can't I move?!" The Flesh Ocean tried to move its foot, but it was still a being bound by rules, and thus unable to defy a mere animal trap.

Li Huazhao glanced around it. Traps were scattered all over, since while setting them up, he had considered the Flesh Ocean's sprawling stride and hence a large section of the area was filled with traps. These traps were also quite far apart from each other, to avoid multiple traps getting activated by a single step.

He estimated that these traps could hold the Flesh Ocean for at least five minutes.

"What did you do! What did you do?!" The meat sea tried to stomp the ground with its other foot but stepped on another trap. It lost its balance and fell towards a building on the side of the street, instantly crushing several structures.

This impact, like a gyrating earth dragon, caused a thundering explosion, a rumbling sound spreading across the ground.