Chapter 107 Appearance of the Mirror Spirit!_2

However, coming back to it, if it wasn't for this name 'Cain', Yu Liang might not have picked up on this hint. So why would the mirror spirit choose this name?

Could it be that this name has to be chosen to trigger a deathly mystery?

Yu Liang seemed contemplative. Is it that this religious overtone might be the power source of the mystery?

He was now becoming curious. Since one of the seven deadly sins is dead...

No, it should be two that are dead. In this situation, can the mirror spirit still accomplish becoming the origin of the mystery?

Just when everyone was in doubt, the sky suddenly descended into a boundless white light, its form resembling an aurora, but entirely in immaculate white.

"A miracle! It's a miracle! The spirit is very pleased with our sacrifice, It is satisfied with us!" The spiritual witch also became excited all of a sudden, as if all of this were her credits.