Chapter 110 (4k5) Planting the seed of the origin mystery


I am Yu Liang, by the time you read these words, I should...

Not yet be dead.

You were born because of me, but I will not be taking you.

You will stay here, in the first layer of the Mirror World, the breeding place of all the origin tales. Everything has been prepared for you.

There is a church in the town that worships the Spirit of the Church. And what you must do is to replace this Spirit and become the new one.

Let everyone know of your presence, become the real mystery of this town.

Upon completion of this step, return to this place, return to Ran's house, try to break the wall, and let loose the fog disaster that is prophesied entirely.

You have the chance to become the root of the origin tales, which is why I left you here.

If you are intelligent enough, we will finally meet. I will kill you or make you fully agree with me; if you are not intelligent enough to do this, enjoy your normal life for ten years, then commit suicide. That is your best ending.