Chapter 118 Your Wife Has Eloped with Someone

"Hello, Rabbit Head."

The flyers only had this phrase printed on them.

The phrase was written in a darker shade of red, blending almost perfectly with the black background. Yu Liang had to squint and look closely to make out the print.

Rabbit Head?

Is it referring to me?

Yu Liang touched his face, feeling no fuzzy rabbit head covering on his head.

He was not Rabbit Head, at least his head hadn't turned into a "rabbit head."

Then could this "Rabbit Head" mean...

Was he the leader of the rabbits?

From the look of the game he just played, it appears he was indeed the leader of the rabbit team, and the game also seemed to intentionally integrate him with the rabbit people.

None of them could be left behind.

Don't abandon, don't give up.

Or perhaps, the game he just played didn't occur in real space?

Yu Liang remembered neither eating dirt nor his hands being stained with blood, which he presumed were actions by the rabbit people.