Chapter 123 Wake Up Quick, It's Behind You! _3

At this moment, Li Huazhao sighed, "I've noticed, from Monkey Yu Liang to Mirror Image Yu Liang, and now Rabbit Yu Liang. Can't you just be a human, even once?"

Yu Liang: "..."

He didn't bother responding to Li Huazhao, instead beginning to explore their surroundings.

He found the awoken world to be extremely foreign, and therefore urgently needed something to provide him a sense of security.

When facing its invasion, the character charm for "awake" provided that sense of security, otherwise Yu Liang may not have chosen to stay in that room...

So now, what could give him that sense of security was...

Yu Liang looked around the room for a while and quickly found the insect that had been buzzing in a corner.

He chopped off the lower half of the unnamed insect, then carefully took out the eye portion from its head.

Next, he pulled out a piece of thread from the quilt on the bed, and wound it around his finger to form a circle.