Chapter 128: The Professional Ability of a Bartender

Li Huazhao smirked contemptuously at the Star God Lu and the Bartender across from him, then switched back to Yu Liang.

Meanwhile, Yu Liang quickly projected room 225 onto the nearby wall and hastily entered it.

Before completely entering the room, Yu Liang deployed four Shadow Servants, who swiftly advanced towards the Star God Lu and the Bartender, disrupting their pursuit rhythm.

"Pass through, ignore the shadows on the ground." Star God Lu saw Yu Liang slipping into the room that sprang from nowhere, he stepped forward, "Chase him!"

However, the room only existed for a fleeting moment. Before they could take a few more steps, the room disappeared, just as abruptly as it had appeared.

"Gone?" The Bartender's face changed, Yu Liang was the type of opponent they least wished to encounter.

He was not only elusive, but his physical fitness was dreadful, capable of taking down a group of four by himself.

So why hadn't they heard of him before?