Chapter 132: Make The Dream Explode Directly!

At this moment, the masked man, who was still unaware that his shop was about to be bought by a corporation, was squatting in front of a marble tile, closely examining the floor tile.

What method should he use to fix this floor tile?

He wanted to seal this tunnel so that he wouldn't have to see that disgusting face again.

Soon, he had completely sealed the tile and placed a metal cabinet over it, satisfied only when he was sure the tile could no longer be pushed open.

Now everything should be fine.

He didn't need to worry about the source of customers as the shop he was running was not very profitable to begin with.

The shop was hidden in reality; very few awake players could find it. Even if a player could find it, it was of no use. After all, not many regular players could afford the starting price of four badges.

Of course, he had not completely given up on the player market. A new shop of his was about to open in Rabbit's underground mall in a couple of days.