Chapter 133: The Heart of Red Dog Li Huazhao_2

First, his beard was growing wildly around his chin and lips, and his hair was rapidly growing longer too, soon giving him a disheveled and bearded appearance, just like a primitive man.

His face was visibly aging as well, wrinkles of all sorts appearing in an instant.

He's aging?!

Li Huazhao instantly realized this change. He looked at the man in front of him with some surprise, but the man himself seemed oblivious. He stood there dumbly, occasionally glancing around as if he had no idea what was happening.

People in Wangcheng City's dreamland don't age, but would all their aging regress the instant they leave the dreamland?

So, they could not live forever, perhaps on the day they hit their lifespan limit, they would rapidly age and become unrecognizable in an extremely short time, succumbing to various ailments in an instant and die in the dreamland.

Born, aging, sickness, death, destiny are inescapable.

That would make sense.