Chapter 134 At this moment, Yu Liang, slept peacefully

The princess at this moment is hundred meters long, her body made up of two nearly ellipsoid parts and is clearly defined at the waist.

She resembles a peanut, however, this peanut is covered from top to bottom with hundreds of eyes of different sizes. When all these eyes focus on one person, they impart a tremendous sense of oppression.

After being grabbed by Li Huazhao and pulled down from the sky, the princess struggles clumsily on the ground, her body twisting frantically and leveling the nearby small buildings.

"Hiss——" The princess roars again, a myriad of tentacles spring forth from her body, attacking Li Huazhao from all directions. The tips of these tentacles are extremely sharp, lined with countless spiraling internal teeth.

Without a doubt, if these tentacles pierce into his body, the tiny inner teeth would instantly grind his muscles and bones and continuously draw his blood.