Chapter 138: Is this how all you Beast Tamers fight?!

The judge fell silent for a moment, not detecting any scent of deception.

This means that Li Huazhao didn't feel like he was lying.

In other words, there were two possibilities.

The first was that Li Huazhao was indeed the strongest here.

The second was that Li Huazhao firmly believed he was the strongest.

The judge studied him but couldn't determine which one it was in a short time.

But a defender's enhancement is comprehensive, even the creatures that a Beastmaster summons should also benefit from this improvement.

Add to that the fact that he is still a rabbit-head player and shouldn't be too weak, the judge originally wanted to seek a suitable person from among the rabbit-head players and set them as "defender". Now the situation is rather urgent, and there was no time to cherry-pick.

So, the next moment, Li Huazhao saw a pop-up notification on the screen.