Chapter 139: Bring the price down! _2

"Hey, are there any more monsters?" Li Huazhao asked the architect on the second floor of the prison from a distance.

"No more, all the nearby monster settlements have been attracted here, and all have died." The architect answered from afar.

"Oh." Li Huazhao nodded, swinging the human-faced spider in his hand to the center of the players. He coughed towards the architect on the second floor, then pointed to the ground under his feet, posing arrogantly.

The architect paused, then understood what Li Huazhao meant, laughed, and used a character charm to construct a platform under Li Huazhao's feet.

When Li Huazhao stood on the elevated platform above everyone else, someone in the crowd of players inexplicably started clapping.

Many players were grateful for Li Huazhao's recent wave-turning action, so they were very supportive at this time. Most of them followed suit, and the atmosphere was like a fan chase for a moment.