Chapter 142 Tell Me, Do I Exist?_2

At present, the abilities of T5 level monsters are clearly differentiated based on strengths and weaknesses. Going upwards, like the T3 level, it's hard to define specific grades because the creatures of this level wouldn't have useless abilities.

Take the un-promoted room 225 and the little baby for comparison, both are T3, just with different ability orientations. Hence, they're priced at the same level.

Obviously, such matters can be properly dealt with. In the future, classifications and pricing can be done using realms such as semi-C level, mid C level, the peak of C level, and the grand perfection of C level.

There's no difference, really.

"Let's not sell that grass baby." Li Huazhao suddenly spoke up. "I think it would be very useful."

"Which one?" Yu Liang asked.

"The one with the Loud Insult ability." Li Huazhao said, "Let me take care of it. It should do well."

Thus, Yu Liang revisited the grass baby's abilities, and he instantly understood.