Chapter 150: Do you know the correct usage of skin care lotion?

Where there is wealth, there are brave men.

He is no exception.

His partner is Star God Lu, a player who isn't well known among ordinary players but is highly respected among the advanced player community.

But making this amount of money isn't easy; that's clear as day.

Because Star God Lu's target is the beast tamer — the guy who alone commanded hundreds of mythical creatures.

If he fails, the only fate awaiting him is summed up in one word.


But he doesn't care.

Living in this world of myth, having to complete the terrifying rabbit game every day, it's already hard enough to stay alive.

He is well aware that he doesn't have the ability to be a gaming expert, and he doesn't even have the potential to be one.


Must be greedy.

The greedier, the better; otherwise, he can't win.

If he can't make a fortune, there's no way he can leave this place.