Chapter 153 (2 in 1 Great Chapter) Now, it's my turn.

At this moment, when Li Huazhao appeared in the corridor, and when the first monster rushed out from the staircase behind him, time seemed to come to a momentary halt.

This is–––

The hearts of Star God Lu and his two companions experienced a sudden sharp arrest, as if three large hands had each grabbed their hearts tightly.

This can't be...

These talking-monsters, are they truly controlled by the Beast Tamer?

It can't be?

Either comforting themselves or instinctively resisting the unusual phenomenon, a doubt arose in the hearts of Star God Lu and his companions.

However, Li Huazhao's attention fell on a strange place; the waist of a player not far away.

He saw that the axe at Da Qiu's waist was indeed identical to the one held by the paperman clown.

Li Huazhao's eyes flickered, and a plan hatched in his mind.