Chapter 155 - Creation - Gambler

Star God Lu didn't utter a word today.


Until now, I have not seen Star God Lu utter a word. Even his communication with the bartender was done entirely through hand gestures.

Before Star God Lu's death, Yu Liang noticed that he had gestured the number "3" to the bartender.

Yet, the first time they met, Star God Lu uttered "Vodka" directly, without signaling the bartender to use Vodka as a base drink with hand gestures.

If hand gesture commands were their common mode of communication, there's no way the six base drinks would be absent from this sign language.

So evidently, they only started using hand gestures for communication recently.


Because Star God Lu could no longer talk.

In such a short span of a day, Star God Lu certainly wouldn't have become mute out of the blue, more likely, he had lost his tongue.

Revive character charm.

Earlier, Yu Liang had tested the usage conditions for the revive character charm in the prison.