Chapter 155 Creation - Gambler_3

This beast tamer was like a stubborn bone that wouldn't go away. He followed them relentlessly even here.

"So, can the revive character charm really resurrect?" Li Huazhao wore a mocking smile. A sense of exhilaration surged from his head to his toes, completely erasing the disappointment he had felt when he was confronted by Star God Lu.

Even though he was able to stand up again this time, it was still due to Yu Liang's sharpness. But Li Huazhao excels at riding on others'...

No, it's taking advantage of others' influence.

The bartender felt deep despair in his heart. Being trapped in the jail cell left him powerless. Now he could only focus on Star God Lu.

Star God Lu still looked calm, his five fingers raised discreetly and slightly shaking.


The bartender was momentarily taken aback as information about the No.5 base liquor appeared in his mind.

[Golden Liquor]: Enhances the character's effect by 100%.

This base liquor was used to enhance the power of the character.