Chapter 159 Are You Also Planning to Open a Store Here?

Seven hours.

Or perhaps you could say that seventy hours whizzed by pretty fast.

For Yu Liang, he spent approximately three days in this mirror world, sleeping only about five hours each day. He used the rest of the time to study the rabbit language.

This type of learning, where he forgot to eat and sleep, obviously yielded significant results. After seventy hours, Yu Liang finally stopped.

He rose from his chair, making a few stretches to loosen the stiffness from sitting for too long.

Following the notes of the humanoid rabbit, his familiarity with the rabbit language had already reached the first realm.

Transforming dreams.

Whether he could accomplish this task still needed to be tested in the dreams outside the mirror.

If he only tried inside the mirror, the essence of the dream he saw might be flipped like a mirror image, which might confuse him.

Yu Liang walked through the mirror, returning to his room outside it. He looked at his room and then slowly closed his eyes.