Chapter 163: Is Your First Love's Thinking So Unique?

(Patch update: I forgot to mention earlier, Yu Liang's level from the last rabbit game was intermediate, so now that the rabbit's head has disappeared, he appears with his normal face in reality.)

Five minutes ago.

A woman stretched lazily by the window.

It was sunset, she had just woken from an afternoon nap, and thus was a bit languid.

This was Wangcheng City, a city that had long since disappeared off the map.

Entering Wangcheng City for the first time was somewhat nerve-wracking; it was a city without even a legend to its name.

All people in reality had forgotten about its existence, as if it never existed on Earth.

Except for players.

Only players could remember the existence of Wangcheng City.

Whether they were players from the past or the present.

This was a place that accommodated almost all manner of strange and supernatural creatures in the world, and because of this, the danger in Wangcheng City far exceeded that of other forbidden areas in the world.