Chapter 163 - Does your first love think so differently? _3

But why? When Sister Silver Fox clearly cares about this guy so much?

As a perfume maker, she could discern the scent of emotions, and coupled with her swift thinking ability and skill in reading microexpressions, it was almost as though she possessed the ability to read minds.

However, at the moment, she was clueless about the relationship between these two. She sensed that their relationship was not as simple as first love.

"Make a bottle of 'Pasture Fragrance' for him to use," Sister Silver Fox told the perfume maker who was driving. She then walked to the passenger seat of the vehicle and said to Li Huazhao, "Get in. Wherever you want to go, we'll take you there."

"'Pasture Fragrance', huh?" the perfume maker conveniently produced a small bottle of perfume and tossed it to Li Huazhao. "Just spritz it a little."