Chapter 172: When Yu Liang Wakes Up...

Li Huazhao looked at the now significantly shrunken dream space, feeling suddenly confused.

How much confusion, probably similar to the strange creatures in the distance.

He looked towards where the block of flats used to be and saw clusters of strange creatures squatting on the ruins of each building.

They were like unemployed vagrants, squatting aimlessly on the street, their eyes filled with uncertain future.

Renowned T2-class strange creatures have actually fallen into this state of homelessness, and for a moment, Li Huazhao felt compassion, and wanted to find a home for these creatures.

Yu Liang's universe, for example.

How did this Devouring Snake manage to do that?

How did these buildings disappear?

Doesn't it only eat dreams?

Li Huazhao couldn't come up with an answer, but what now troubled him more is what he should do.

Half of the dream space had been eaten away…

Being an origin-level strange creature, the rabbit spirit should not fault him for this, right?