Chapter 173 What is Called the Real Behind-the-Scenes Flow

"So... are you planning to join the monster side and wipe out mankind?"

Suddenly, Yu Liang's voice echoed faintly in Li Huazhao's heart.

"..." Li Huazhao, who was in the middle of a drinking game, shuddered.

Has Yu Liang woken up?

Waking up at this time?

Shit, the fun went over the top.

"No, no, no, absolutely not, this is just pure socializing." Li Huazhao started shaking his head quickly.

"Alright then, tell me what you've done while I was asleep?" Yu Liang, not caring about Li Huazhao's response, asked.

He had been offline for over two hours, so of course he needed to catch up on what happened.

"Uh."Li Huazhao paused for two seconds, then countered, "Guess who I saw in Wangcheng City?"

Yu Liang: "..."

When a little baby dodges your question and starts to change the subject, you should start thinking about how to clean up the mess.

But unfortunately, Yu Liang was genuinely curious about who Li Huazhao had met in Wangcheng City.