Chapter 174: Inventorying the Gains._2

The characters had their own division of labour, three characters blocked, and one attacked the final opening, working together seamlessly.

Li Huazhao dodged these characters with all kinds of inhuman postures. As Lu Mingzhe predicted, he was now embroiled in a hard fight, completely suppressed.

Actually, with his full stats enhanced physique, he could resist one or two "Break" characters without any problem. However, the four characters were like one vein. If one hit him, it would cause his body to pause, and then he would be hit by all four.

If he was hit by four "Break" characters, even he would not be able to withstand the damage, and it would basically be a losing situation.

Li Huazhao wanted to subdue this guy with his own ability, so he hadn't thought about using the items like Yu Liang's lotion to counter.

He placed the Hunting Mark on Lu Mingzhe and scanned the characters in the scene.

There were four characters, and they hadn't increased any more.