Chapter 175: Arrival of the Rabbit God, Merchants Move In_3

The one before had no bottomline, and was quite whimsical; but now he seems much more sensible, as if there's an aura of rationality about him.

Although their looks and voices were exactly the same, the masked man could tell the difference. After all, the speaking rhythm and word choice of Yu Liang in these two states were different - the distinction was easy to hear.

These six potions also represent the maximum sincerity he could offer, and at the same time, they were a test of his capabilities.

If he cannot breed enough grass babies by the next time they meet, there would be no need for any cooperation.

Either it was due to Yu Liang's insufficient capabilities, or there was an inherent defect in the grass baby creature that it couldn't breed in large numbers.


If Yu Liang couldn't escape this instance, or if he died in the next one, there would be even less of a reason to cooperate.

What's the point of a partner who can't even ensure his own safety?