Chapter 177: I am Lu Mingzhe, the Son of Destiny! -2

"How is it that only Building Three is left?"

Now, the current state of the Peace Community surprised all the players present, too. They could feel that the community was significantly smaller, with only Building Three of the apartment complex remaining.

Yu Liang glanced back at the players. All the players had already entered Peace Community, with no one left out.

Logically, after the dreamland shrank, its capacity should also have been reduced, and some players should have been unable to enter the Peace Community...

Could it be that because the other apartment buildings had disappeared, the dreamland, even after shrinking, still had a large capacity that could accommodate so many players?

An assumption sparked in his mind, but now was not the time to think about this. Because he noticed that the strange creatures, which previously hovered around the ruin of the apartment building, were now paying attention to the multitude of players here.