Chapter 178: Return!_2

The gap between the two sides' power was just too wide.

Now that the Ghost Tale was over, all players would return to reality in five minutes, during which time the Rabbit Deity, even if it pursued them into reality, could no longer harm them.

Yu Liang felt somewhat relieved.

However, they had crossed swords and he could only hope that there wasn't another Rabbit Deity in the instances he participated in. Otherwise, the Rabbit Deity would most likely kill him at the first opportunity.

Or perhaps...

Should he accumulate more power and directly deal with the Rabbit Deity in Wangcheng City in reality?

After all, he could unleash "Zhi" sister in reality to fight, which was definitely better than directly encountering the Rabbit Deity in the Ghost Tale instance.

Of course, he needed to be able to command "Zhi" sister.

Otherwise, he would look for Xu Cixi. She also knew the location of Wangcheng City, so he should be able to go there too.