Chapter 192 My Bride_2

Forget it, let it be.

If he hesitated, it means he wasn't so determined and may regret it at some point.

Speaking of it, Xu Cixi was his first friend in this strange world.

And the only close friend he has made up to this point.

For this, risk is acceptable.

Yu Liang crawled out from under the quilt, sat at the end of the bed and silently stared at "Xu Cixi" in the living room.

"Xu Cixi" noticed Yu Liang's presence as well. Slowly she stood up from the table, and made her way to the bedroom door.

They both looked at each other wordlessly, one standing, the other sitting.

Once she stood still, Yu Liang realized that Xu Cixi had returned.

The person standing in front of him was Xu Cixi, not the monster from earlier.

Xu Cixi stood there, unmoving. She looked at Yu Liang who was close at hand and said in her usual calm voice, "You shouldn't have come out."