Chapter 194: Your Bride and My Bride Seem Different

The content of the small book ended here.

Yu Liang put away the notebook, searched under the bed for a while, and only when he saw no more clues did he climb out of bed.

He sat on the side of the bed, slowly sorting out his thoughts.

The original occupant was affected by the moon, which was a clear fact.

Reality made him experience both "doubt" and "faith," and then he saw the Faceless Man in his dreams.

The Mathematician is the source of the Rabbit game dream, but the original inhabitant is different; he should only be influenced by the source "moon".

Of course, this is just Yu Liang's personal conjecture.

From what was displayed in the small book, the original inhabitant was very ordinary, not only in terms of talent, but also didn't have any standout personality traits.

He was resentful towards the world and others, lazy, and had no ability to take responsibility.