Chapter 195 Suspicion. Eating. Faith. _2

That makes it very clear. The correct course of action in the game now is to run, not to fight.

A mere T2 creature in Yu Liang's universe, the kind of creepy creature that can be easily taken down without any effort if outnumbered nine to one. The man in the suit was nothing special either, not a boss-level character. But Yu Liang always felt that dealing with these creatures was more troublesome, and could potentially trigger the game system's defensive mechanisms.

If you don't run when told to, and insist on going against all odds, then fine. The game would augment the difficulty by sending hordes of those creatures for you to deal with at your leisure.

Therefore, Yu Liang quickly caught up with the other escapees and asked, "Guys, what's going on? Why has everyone gone mad all of a sudden?"