Chapter 196: You're Back Again

"The moon is consuming the moon."

"Bow your heads, brethren, and your submission shall empower Him!"

These key phrases were swirling around in Yu Liang's mind.

According to those who had been observing the sky, they had seen the moon consuming the moon, and then time had rewound by several minutes.

It could only have been "Doubt" consuming "Faith", otherwise "Faith" would have no necessity of rewinding time.

So, it was clear that at the beginning of the supernatural incident, doubt was stronger than faith, and faith had to draw power from humans to rewind time for its mere self-preservation.

Now, with only a few minutes until "Doubt" swallowed "Faith" again, this short period probably wasn't enough for him to escape from this residential area.

So, was he really going to help "Faith" battle back against "Doubt"?

What a joke!

Yu Liang felt a shiver down his spine.