Chapter 208 Acting Innocent Here?_2

He was no worse than him at least, making him a worthy partner for sharing information.

This could also be helpful in advancing the root source ghost talk mission.

"Each building is home to monsters known as the Moon-Viewing Clan, much like the firework ghost you killed earlier." continued the adventurer. "While the moon has been concealing the truth about the Moon-Viewing Clan, evidence reveals that these creatures are the moon's creations. Their purpose is to cause deaths in these apartment buildings, forcing players to look up and believe in the moon. Only then can the players borrow power from the moon to fight back against the Moon-Viewing Clan."

"Hmm." This was not a surprise to Li Huazhao. Lu Mingzhe in the cosmos has already had a similar theory.

"Doubts" and "beliefs" don't hold any goodwill for humanity, one being more real and the other more deceptive.

However, after hearing this, Li Huazhao's heart thumped.