Chapter 214: Cooperation Achieved, Initial Planning of Currency

"Let's inspect the goods."

In the warehouse, Yu Liang said to the masked man while waving his hand, causing hundreds of grass babies to appear in the warehouse.

With his command, the grass babies lined up neatly, akin to an army ready to attack.

However, upon closer examination, they looked more like school children on the first day of term, sitting upright and nervously.

"Alright." The masked man got serious. As a businessman, he knew that business had to be conducted with absolute seriousness, and emotions could not come into play.

Of course, if emotions were involved, he would have expelled the man before him by now.

The masked man put on a pair of clean white rubber gloves and gently picked up a grass baby to inspect it.

It was in good health, full of life, but quite inactive, staying still most of the time, much like a plant.

This was similar to what Yu Liang had previously described. Grass babies are unusual creatures that do not move much.

T5 level.