Chapter 223 Fairy Lady, you can't move now, can you? _3

It possesses the power of "separation," capable of severing human limbs or heads in an instant, yet not killing the person. These humans could only watch helplessly as their limbs detached from their bodies, no longer under their control, eventually starving to death or being devoured by other unnatural beings.

The liquid he just fired through the wall of charm paper was body fluid collected from the Owl Demon. It's known to attract the beast. He wasn't sure where the Owl Demon was lurking within the building, but after running around all night, even if the Fairy Lady did not have the demon's fluid on her, the Owl Demon should've detected their movement.

As long as he could draw out the Owl Demon, he had a chance to escape in the ensuing chaos.

He wasn't afraid of being dismembered, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to live in this building.