Chapter 225: Professional Writer? Professional Thief!

"Get it done quickly," Yu Liang said, looking at the four cavalrymen coming towards him. He didn't plan to waste too much time on them, and intended to have a quick battle, so he released the creatures capable of combat from his cosmos all at once, instructing, "Don't damage the mechanical beasts or the weapons in the hands of the four papermen."

In the meantime, the paperman cavalry chose to turn their bodies sideways while charging to present their thinner sides to the wind. This would greatly reduce air resistance and increase the impact speed in an instant.

The four cavalrymen were quite threatening indeed, their charge in the corridor bringing along a sweeping momentum that could instill thoughts of giving up resistance in anyone.

The first impact of the cavalry couldn't be blocked. If it hit him or the wealth-guarding ghost, they'd likely be heavily injured.